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SSC CHSL Syllabus 2018

1. SSC CHSL Tier-1 Exam Pattern (Exam 4th to 26th March 2018)
2. SSC CHSL Tier-2 Exam pattern (Exam 8th July 2018)
3. SSC CHSL Tier-3 Exam pattern

1. SSC CHSL Tier-1 Exam Pattern (Exam 4th to 26th March 2018)
SSC 10+2 Objective Based Online exam – 60* minutes
Negative marks – 0.5 marks
*-80 Minutes for VH/OH

Subject -No. of Questions -Max. Marks
English Language -25 -50
General Intelligence -25 -50
Quantitative Aptitude -25 -50
General Awareness -25 -50

Total -100 Questions -200 Marks

SSC CHSL 2018 Syllabus Tier-1

(1.) English Language

-Reading comprehension
-Cloze test
-Spotting errors/spellings
-Synonyms/ Homonyms/Antonyms
-Idioms & Phrases,
-Active/ Passive Voice
-Direct and Indirect Speech,
-Para jumbles and Para completion
-One word Substitution
-Fill in the Blanks

(2.) General Intelligence/Reasoning Syllabus
Includes both Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

-Non-Verbal Reasoning (figures)
-Alphanumeric series
-Number Series
-Critical Thinking
-Coding and de-coding
-Logical reasoning
-Blood relations
-Directions/Ranking Test
-Venn Diagrams
-Seating Arrangement
-Coded Inequalities
-Data Sufficiency

(3.) Quantitative Ability Syllabus

-Number System
-Ratio and Proportion
-Simple and Compound Interest
-Profit, loss and Discount
-Mixture and Allegation
-Time, Distance and Work
-Algebra (Equations, Surds, Indices, Graphs)
-Data Interpretation
-Sequence and Series
-Permutation and Combination

(4.) General Awareness /General Knowledge
-History and Culture,
-General Policy
-Books and Authors
-General Policy
-Scientific Research

2. SSC CHSL Tier-2 Exam pattern (Exam 8th July 2018)

Descriptive Paper – 100 marks (Pen and Paper)
You can write whole paper either in English or Hindi but not both
Exam Duration one hour*
Essay Writing (200-250 Words)
Letter Writing (150-200 Words)
Qualifying marks in Tier-II exam (33% of total marks)

(*-Extension for some exempted candidates)

3. SSC CHSL Tier-3 Exam pattern

Skill Test/Typing Test
Skill Test for Data Entry Operator

Data Entry Speed of 8,000 (eight thousand) Key Depressions per hour on Computer.
English Typing and exam duration will be 15 minutes
Qualifying exam
Typing Test for Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant LDCs and Court Clerks:

Typing Test will be conducted in English or Hindi (As you mentioned in the Application form)
Qualifying exam

Candidates opting for English medium should have typing speed of 35 words per minute (w.p.m) and those opting for Hindi medium should have typing speed of 30 words per minute.

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